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* Do you know what R.U.D.Y. (R U Dead Yet) Attack is?

Suggested page: R.U.D.Y. (R U Dead Yet) Attack Explained

R.U.D.Y. (R U Dead Yet) attack is a slow-rate Denial of Service (DoS) attack that targets web servers and applications. Unlike typical DoS attacks that overwhelm servers with rapid, high-volume requests, a R.U.D.Y. attack uses a subtler approach. It focuses on the application layer (Layer 7) of the OSI model by exploiting HTTP POST requests. The attacker sends these requests with excessively long content-length headers and delivers the data in extremely slow chunks. This method keeps server connections open for long periods, gradually exhausting server resources and causing delays or denials of service for legitimate users.

What makes the attack effective is its simplicity and the challenge of detection. Traditional DoS defences, designed to spot high traffic volumes and rapid request rates, often miss the slow and steady nature of a R.U.D.Y. attack. Moreover, since the attack uses properly formatted HTTP requests, mimicking legitimate user behaviour, it can slip past many security measures unnoticed.

The consequences of a R.U.D.Y. attack can be severe, especially for servers and applications that rely on numerous concurrent connections. These include server overload, where slow connections consume resources, causing delays or denial of service for legitimate users. Increased latency affects the user experience, and in extreme cases, the server may become completely unresponsive, leading to downtime and potential revenue loss. Additionally, the attack can deplete server resources such as CPU, memory, and network bandwidth, significantly impacting overall performance and availability.

If you are interested to learn more about this topic, we suggest to take a look at the following article about R.U.D.Y. (R U Dead Yet) attack!